
We are proud to offer FREE shipping on every order.


We know that once you have placed an order with us, you want to receive it as quickly as possible, so we use the best delivery companies in North America. When shipping your order, we will use one of two different shipping methods: Ground Shipping, or freight. You will receive a notification and tracking number as your order is shipped. Processing time is 1-3 days.

Ground Shipping

Smaller products will be shipped with regular ground shipping (generally FedEx, UPS The average transit time is between 1-5 business days for any destination in the contiguous United States. 

Please note that if you purchase multiple Ground Shipping items, they may be shipped via Truck Freight instead.


If the product that you are purchasing is a larger item, it will be shipped via truck freight, sometimes called Truck freight shipments usually take between 3-10 business days in transit to arrive time and are delivered during normal business hours

 The shipping company will call you in advance to schedule a delivery appointment window. In general, you must be at home to receive the order. 

 After the product is delivered to the shipping address, it is the customer's responsibility to unload it from the back of the truck. If the item is very heavy please ensure that you have assistance to remove it from the delivery truck. For an additional fee, the carrier can use a lift gate to remove the items from the truck for you. Inside delivery across the threshold of your home may also be available at an extra charge. Some truck freight companies can provide an assembly of the items for an additional fee. Please contact us before placing your order for more information on this service. Please note that deliveries cannot be made to a PO Box.

 Please note that if you are not available for a delivery appointment or the carrier cannot contact you, the order will be held for you for several days, and there may be a charge for this service. After this time, the order will be returned to us for credit under our Return Policy.